Lost Ark Valtan Carry Boost

The Beast Legion Commander Valtan, or Resurrected Demon Beast Lair, is the Legion Commander introductory raid that will get you right into the fresh and exciting content of Lost Ark. It will teach you all the basics of the encounters and new gimmicks and prepare you for what you willl have workout in the future fights. There are two bosses inside this raiding instance, both of which have a bit difficult but fair mechanics for you to unravel. It's a fair fight in this case, with all future Legion Raids being more mechanic heavy, unforgiving and difficult. But even the easiet raid will have its caviats, as you still have to rely on whole seven other players to finish this endgame content. As the less people do their role, the more difficult the fight becomes as not others have to pull up the slack of those who are currently floor POV. Or maybe you are just tired of running Valtan? Mind you, you have to finish this raid every week, otherwise you miss out on a lot of gold, materials for your new Relic set gear, honing materials and more!
Which is why we offer Valtan Carry boost for those who are looking a quick weekly completion of the raid! BestBoost.Club team is ready to defeat both bosses on Normal and Hard difficulties on encounter! We offer both selfplay and piloted modes, meaning that you can particapate in the raid with the boosters, or just get carried outright while you are off somewhere more important. You are only required to have a character with item level 1415 to start the raid on Normal Mode, or 1445 on Hard Mode. The whole beating up part you can entrust to our experienced boosters.
Boost ETC: up to 30 minutes.
Lost Ark Valtan boost service includes:
• Completion of the encounter against Valtan on all two gates;
• You will obtain rewards, such as:
○ 4500 gold for completing all three phases of the fight! Phase 1: 1000 gold, Phase 2: 3500 gold
○ Relic Necklaces, Rings and Earrings that contain two random engraving
○ Demon Beast Vein material that is used to craft legendary Demon Beast set, and Demonic Beast's Bone material used for crafting of different Relic sets
○ Fused Leapstone that allows attempt at honing of gear without consuming materials
○ Legendary mending books used for increased honing chance past 1370 item level
○ Stone of Chaos drops from Hard Mode which has a chance to increase quality of your equipment gear
○ Engraving books o legendary rarity
○ Relic ability stones with engraving traits
○ Card packs of epic or legendary rarity
• You can also purchase an optional cache with additional rewards at the end of the dungeon.
Requirements for purchasing Lost Ark Valtan carry:
• Your character must have level 50;
• Your character must have item level 1415 for Normal Mode or 1445 for Hard Mode;
• Valtan boost can be completed only once per week per character;
Review - Lost Ark Valtan Carry Boost