Lost Ark
Lost Ark Vykas Carry Boost

Lost Ark Vykas Carry Boost

Lost Ark Vykas Carry Boost
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    The second large Legion Raid will be set against the Covetous Legion in the Garden of Crimson Delight. As usual with Legion Raids, there are no revives available mid-fight, meaning that any death will make the encounter harder. In total, there are three different encounters, with the introductory fight being against Morphe, one of Vykas' generals. This boss will split your raid into two separate arenas where you'll have to fight against one of two of his forms: Human or Demon. The attacks will vary a bit depending against which form you fight. Against human form, you will want to dodge all his attacks as you normally would against any other boss. But against Demon form, you want to get IN most of those danger zones to avoid getting hit. Although there are several mechanics you still have to be mindful of, It's a pretty straightforward encounter. The second fight will be against Vykas herself in her normal form. There will be several bullet-hell mechanics that you'll have to avoid, puddles that spawn on your teammates that will have to be moved to edges of the arena, and a carousel mechanic which will require your whole raid to move clockwise around the edge of the area to avoid getting hit. But the last fight is the fight that for sure will dismantle group, against Vykas in her awakened form. She will add an additional mechanic on top of the whole fight called Seduction. All Vykas' attacks will fill up the seduction bar, It will be displayed above each player as a small bar that can be filled up. If bar is not filled at all, your damage to Vykas will be reduced by 99%, so make sure to fill it up at least a bit! You are fine as long as the bar pink, but if it reaches bright red you will get damage buff and increase your damage taken. If the bar is fully filled, you will become charm, lose any controls, and will start attacking your teammates. While there are many more patterns and problems that are tied to the Seduction bar, you already can see how this fight will be a pug killer. This raid requires coordination between all members, not to mention someone messing up can be a restart of the boss fight, or even group disbandment. And you have to finish this raid every week, otherwise you miss out on materials for your Relic set gear, honing materials, gold and other things.

    For that reason, BestBoost.Club team is offering Lost Ark Vykas Carry boost for for all players looking to complete their weekly reset! We are ready to defeat all three encounters for you, both on Normal and Hard difficulties! You character is required to have item level of 1430 to start the raid on Normal Mode, or 1460 for Hard Mode. We can complete the raid in both piloted and selfplay mode for your character on Normal Mode, while on Hard Mode we only do either piloted, or selfplay if you only know all the mechanics and how to avoid the wipes.

 Boost ETC: up to 40 minutes, depending on difficulty.

 Lost Ark Vykas boost service includes:

• Completion of the encounter against Vykas on all two gates;

• You will obtain rewards, such as:

    ○ 4500 gold for completing all three phases of the fight

    ○ Relic Necklaces, Rings and Earrings that contain two random engraving

    ○ Covetous Fang material that is used to craft legendary Covetous Whisper set, and Covetous Wing material used for crafting of different Relic sets

    ○ Fused Leapstone that allows attempt at honing of gear without consuming materials

    ○ Legendary mending books used for increased honing chance past 1370 item level

    ○ Stone of Chaos drops from Hard Mode which has a chance to increase quality of your equipment gear

    ○ Engraving books o legendary rarity

    ○ Relic ability stones with engraving traits

    ○ Card packs of epic or legendary rarity

• You can also purchase an optional cache with additional rewards at the end of the dungeon.

 Requirements for purchasing Lost Ark Vykas carry: 

• Your character must have level 50;

• Your character must have item level 1430 for Normal Mode or 1460for Hard Mode;

• Vykas boost can be completed only once per week per character;

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