Lost Ark Daily Routine Package

Daily Routine Package is a package of all of your daily activities of Lost Ark in one service! We will complete your Lost Ark daily routine with all the grind for one character, including: Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, Una's Tasks, World boss, Ghost ship, Chaos Gate and Adventure Island!
Boost ETC: all the times described below may vary depending on chosen Guardian Raid, Procyon Compass Tasks and Una Tasks selected to complete. Together with traveling and several scheduled events, the boost may take up to 3 hours per day.
• x2 Chaos Dungeons - up to 5 minutes per run
• x2 Guardian Raids - up to 10 minutes per Guardian
• x3 Una's Task - from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the requested task
• World Boss - up to 15 minutes
• Ghost Ship - up to 20 minutes
• Chaos Gate - around 8 minutes
• Adventure Island - up to 15 minutes depending on an island
Lost Ark Daily Routine Package boost service includes:
• We will complete available daily activities of Lost Ark on a selected character, including:
○ x2 Chaos Dungeons - two runs of closed off instance against a horde of enemies. You can choose which stage you want us to complete. You will get honing materials, equipment and jewelry, gems and, if you are lucky, gold, mounts, honing stars and more;
○ x2 Guardian Raid - two kills of a guardian together with gathering of a soul fragment. You will get honing materials and a chance to obtain the guardian card;
○ x3 Una's Tasks - completion of three daily quests of your choice. We will complete the quests that can be done on day of the boost. Some quests like "Bleak Night Fog" are not accepted without prerequisite for the current day. You will get reputation progression and rewards towards designated quest;
○ World Boss - we will defeat a boss found in the lands of Arkesia. We will target the highest item level encounter available, or you can request us to defeat a certain boss. As a reward you will get jewelry, honing material, honing books, ability runes and other items depending on the loot table;
○ Ghost Ship - encounter on the Ghost Ship against a powerful enemy. As a reward you will get honing materials and honing stars, and engraving books;
○ Chaos Gate - a run of 30 man boss rush against the demons. As a reward you will get a card pack, treasure map that you can complete for honing shards and honing stars, and rift shards that you can exchange for another treasure map.
○ Adventure Island - we will complete a daily Island of your choice. Depending on an Island, you will get different rewards, so choose carefully!
Requirements for purchasing Lost Ark Daily Routine Package:
• Your character must have level 50;
• Your character must have item level 302 or higher;
• For Kalhertz's Una Task you must have at least 5000 pirate coins available on your account to complete the quest;
• For any Life Skill associated Una Tasks you must have enough Life Skill energy on your account to complete the quest;
• CO-OP sea bounty missions and Una Tasks associated with them are not included in this service;
• Please have Steam Guard enabled on your account;
Review - Lost Ark Daily Routine Package